Make a Donation

hands holding paper family cutout, family home, adoption, foster care, homeless charity ,social distancing, family mental health, homeschooling education, Autism support, domestic violence

You support enables us to provide care and wrap-around support for tamariki, so that they are empowered and equipped to be the leaders of their lives and of their future generations.

As a registered charity we receive only part funding from the government and so we are heavily reliant on the help of people like you. All donations are gratefully received and how you choose to support us is your decision. If you would like to make a regular gift as a Friend of Homes of Hope, or you prefer to make a one off donation to help with our work, please use the below bank account number and complete the form below.

If you prefer, you can make a donation direct to our NZ bank account. This saves on significant credit card processing fees and makes your donation go further.

Your support enables us to:

  • Provide safe, loving homes for tamariki
  • Help keep siblings together
  • Provide therapeutic support so tamariki can flourish

As a supporter of Homes of Hope you will receive:

  • Regular updates from Homes of Hope
  • Yearly Tax Donation receipt
  • The joy of knowing that your contribution is making a difference to the lives of tamariki in our community

How can you help?

We couldn’t continue the important mahi we do if it wasn’t for the incredible support of our donors. Homes of Hope Charitable Trust has donee status with the NZ IRD. Please don’t hesitate to give, no matter if the amount is small or large as it is all very much appreciated and helps New Zealand children within our community. Donations given within New Zealand are eligible for a Tax Credit for amounts of $5 and over. So please ensure you register with us below, and put your name in the reference field when making a direct deposit to the Homes of Hope bank account, so that we can record your donation and send your Tax Donation Receipt at the end of each financial year.

Homes of Hope Charitable Trust

01 0434 0258543 00

If you are making a one off or setting up a regular donation directly to the Homes of Hope bank account, please register with us below, so that we can reconcile your donation against your name to send your Tax Donation Receipt at the end of each financial year.