Homes of Hope Newsletter – The Autumn Edition 2021

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Thank you Kirsty and Blair Cashmore from Cashmore Real
Estate – WOWZA – They know how to PARTAY and ‘make hay
while the sun shines’! Actually they ‘made a great deal of
funds’ for the new home for more children from hard places
who desperately need our help, a total of $97,426.00!!!!

What an awesome night it was. Thanks to Mike and Carol
Farmer who held the event at the Farmer Autovillage and all
the team at Cashmore Real Estate who helped out, especially
Taylor and Beck’s who along with Kirsty and Blair put many
long hours into making this an incredible, sold-out, night.

Such a great team! The auction went off with a bang, the
Champaign flowed, Nigel Latta was a treat to hear speak
and Blair not only excelled as an auctioneer but also showed
his talents as the best MC for the night. He really has missed
his calling! We cannot thank the community enough for
coming out in force to support our children and the work we
beaver away to make the Bay of Plenty THE BEST!